Tuesday, July 19, 2011


he impression the Lord gave Margee  for this station “…was a place to BE with Him; to celebrate that my name is written in the Book of Life because of the sacrifice Jesus made to make that possible; to celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb with Him; and to worship Him.”

When Paula talked with her about the station, Margee says, “The Lord immediately gave me a picture in my mind.  The station was to be a garden-like setting with a bench at the entrance (to contemplate the amazing grace of God who included me in His Book of Life.)  The throne was to be placed just behind the round, intimate wedding table (a place of parental pride and joy).  At the wedding table would be the marriage supper of the Lamb.  There also needed to be a comfortable place to recline, listen to worship music, enjoy God’s awesome presence and express gratitude for God’s unspeakable gift.”

One of the challenges to Margee was that she and her husband were leaving town for the summer on the morning right after set up.  Because they had a lot of preparation to do for the trip, and they would not be there to take it down the following Saturday, she didn’t think it would even be possible to prepare a station.  “BUT GOD made the process so much easier than I could have imagined!  There were a few generous people and some dear friends who stepped in and helped provide items, iron panels, type scriptures, and set up and tear down the station.  It would have been impossible without them,” she says.

“BUT GOD made the process so much easier than I could have imagined!”

The Lord met Margee early in the preparation and impressed on her heart not to take too much credit or too much responsibility for the station.  “When I remembered that, it was a stress free adventure to trust Him to locate needed props or create things that were beyond my skills.”  She says, “It’s hard to explain, but it felt like He knew what He wanted for the station, where to get it or how to get it done.”  At one particularly hard point, “I sensed Him whisper to my spirit, ‘Don’t you think if I gave you a picture of what should be in the station that I can accomplish it?’  For almost every item in the station, there is a special little story of how God led and provided.”  Margee felt privileged and blessed to experience what she calls an “intimate journey with the Holy Spirit.”
“My life has been filled with exhilarating mountains, difficult valleys and peaceful meadows,” Margee says.  “I can’t imagine being on this journey without the Holy Spirit’s counsel, comfort, companionship, guidance, correction and healing.  When I’m in a time of resting, I try to soak in God’s presence, knowing it is preparation time for the next challenging adventure.  I look forward to celebrating with our Bridegroom at the JOURNEY’S END.”

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